Radio communications in the real world are not always loud and clear. Your simulated communications don't have to be either. Calytrix CNR-Effects delivers dynamic, realistic radio degradation effects to virtual radios. The system combines environmental inputs such as the Line-of-Sight (LOS) between sender and receiver, urban density and weather settings, with the physical properties of the radios such as power and transmit frequency. Mixing these settings it automatically calculates the appropriate ways to degrade incoming transmissions so that the communications environment. The result is a far more realistic simulated radio environment.
Real Effects for Virtual Worlds
The visual fidelity of virtual simulation systems continues to increase. Simulation training tools such as Calytrix CSE have evolved with the commercial gaming industry to deliver highly realistic visual environments. The level of realism in radio communications simulation has not kept track, until now. Calytrix have tightly integrated CNR-Effects into CSE to allow users to experience a communications environment that matches their virtual environment. CNR-Effects can source terrain LOS profiles from CSE at runtime, and will factor in environmental obstructions such as building and areas of dense foliage when performing degradation calculations. Even the weather in CSE will have an effect!