LVC Integration


In modern training centers, particular in a military context, the use of multiple simulations to deliver a complete training solution is common place. For example, constructive simulation environments (e.g. OneSAF or MASA Sword) are routinely used to drive computer generated forces which in-turn are integrated with virtual first person environments (e.g. VBS or Steel Beasts) as well as stimulating live Command & Control (C2) systems in the real world. Collectively, in the simulation environment, this type of systems-of-systems approach is referred to as LVC and is an underpinning capability in modern complex military training.

Calytrix has extensive experience in integrating LVC systems. Calytrix not only provides the technical expertise but also the training expertise to enable effective LVC training to occur. There remains a tendency amongst many exercise planners to want to use more live assets than are actually required to meet the exercise objectives. This is a natural and understandable approach; most do not have the experience with LVC integration and want to rely on the assets they are most familiar with. Calytrix works with our customers to help design the training activity making best use of all available systems. Providing a combination of experienced exercise planners and simulation integration experts Calytrix provides the complete training solution.

A high level overview of the broad systems Calytrix integrates to support major defence exercises is shown below: