Role Player Support

Calytrix has a large number of experienced role players from diverse backgrounds who can provide their skills and experience for any number of different training scenarios. Whether working with Defence, other government agencies or non-government organisations, Calytrix can provide experienced trainers and role players to meet the desired outcomes. Whether the requirement is for two role players or 200, Calytrix can provide men and women with various backgrounds to undertake any number of diverse scenarios.

Integral to the role playing capability is an internal command structure allowing organisations to focus on their core requirements whilst the role players focus on providing the structure that can train, advise, support and test an organisation’s preparedness in a large range of scenarios under the most arduous conditions.

Skill Sets

The vast majority of Calytrix role players are experienced in creating a cultural appropriate environment to support training, particularly within a military or policing setting. The background of individuals is diverse and in many cases the role players speak the language associated with the geographic and cultural area for which the training is being adapted. For example, we have a large number of Afghan Nationals who speak Dari, Pashtu or both languages.

Calytrix understands the importance of replicating as near as possible the environment for which the training is being conducted. Whether there’s a requirement to replicate the Middle East, South East Asia or the South West Pacific region, Calytrix can provide role players with the necessary skills, background and language proficiencies to enhance and assist the training.

In support, we maintain all the necessary costumes and props to support our role players, including clothing, outdoor equipment, cooking facilities, signage, transport (motorbikes), weapons, camping equipment and power generators.

Cultural Awareness forms a large part of training when dealing with, and working in, other countries. Calytrix have the resources to provide additional Cultural Awareness training to supplement any training support being provided.

Amputees and Moulage

Within our data base of role players, Calytrix have several amputees who provide an additional level of realistic training when combined with a professional application of Moulage. Accident scenes can be made look exceptionally realistic to provide the relevant stress and confusion generally associated with the discovery of injured personnel or when an extreme incident occurs. Being required to render initial first aid adds to the trainee’s realism.

Role players add a completely different dimension to training and exercises. The use of role players allows an organisation to concentrate on their core roles and tasks while leaving the supporting tasks associated with these roles and tasks to Calytrix.

If you would like to know more about how Calytrix could assist with your next exercise or training, please contact [email protected].